Rider Technologies

Cost of Returns for Defect

Reverse flow diminishes profitability; when a customer returns a defective product your brand image is also diminished. Reverse flow is expensive from both a cost and environment impact view. It can cost up to 3 times as much to receive a defective product from a customer and return that product to the manufacturer as it does to deliver the product to the store shelf in the first place. The environmental impact is also a multiple.

Rider Technologies has extensive experience reducing returns for defects by implementing design and manufacturing control processes that deliver quality products to the shelf.  Products that are consistent with your brand image. Our past experience show that a retailer can save millions of dollars year on year by aggressively focusing on reducing returns for defect. Rider Technologies is available to develop and support the implementation of a strategic plan to reduce your reverse flow costs.

Contact us today so we can help you with your returns or defects.